About us

we are the Pioneers of Peace
Let’s support Women
You can Volunteer
We are a grassroots organization, women-led, non-governmental, non-partisan organization committed to transforming communities through mediation and empowerment.
Welcome to Peace Warriors Organisation (PWO) where the power of grassroots community-based actors and the resilience and leadership of women come together to shape a world of enduring peace. We are pioneers of peace and mediation, harnessing the strength of grassroots efforts led by women.
Our journey is driven by the belief that when women lead, peace follows. Our journey is a testament to the transformative power of collaboration, compassion, and commitment to building a more peaceful world.
PWO was realized in 2015 and registered in 2017 at NGO Coordination Board in Kenya with community-based members in the counties. PWO is a brainchild of the Director after working with Women organizations and in international Education organizations around Africa at different capacities for over 20 years and studying internationally.
As a girls’ Secondary School Principal for several years, the Director experienced first-hand the problems women and girls face in life. While working with a women organization in Rwanda Director saw women realize their economic actualization through cooperatives and sports.
In Kenya, working in a project aimed at promoting women’s participation as election candidates, Director came into contact with the true picture on the ground of what women aspiring/seeking political seats go through starting from rejection by partners & family, tribalism, visibility, voter bribery, change of narrative the last minute particularly eve of election and insecurity.
Director has a passion to see women in decision making table. This perception began to touch the minds of many women at the grassroots who joined hand with the Director to realize this dream.
Peace is prerequisite to life and development. Mitigation to challenges of life is not necessarily found on the outside but need to come from within. It is this search of answers from within or homegrown, which is filled with simplicity that result to peace. With no development, poverty reigns. Gender is the most significant predictor of poverty and powerlessness. Gender inequality remains a pervasive and fundamental obstacle to human development and society as a whole, and the guarantee of universal human rights.
To remedy this, PWO being a women-led organization believes that women are agents of peace and change thus development. PWO has therefore trained all its grassroots community-based actors in conflict resolution through mediation and negotiation. While many organizations in Kenya are on the ground doing capacity building and advocacy for women just one year to elections, none addresses itself to other dynamics that are very crucial like visibility, insecurity, tribalism and other vices at the ground that adversely affect them.